Are you wondering if hiring a cleaning service would be worth the cost? Learn more about the advantages of employing a cleaning service.

3 Stubborn Stains DIY Tricks Probably Won’t Help You Remove

2 November 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Carpet has its advantages inside the home but it does not come without its bothersome maintenance requirements. Over time, anything from food to mud and everything in between can get on your carpet. If you are like most, you will scope out the internet for DIY hacks to eliminate the stains you are dealing with. However, not every type of stain is easy to remove with simple at-home solutions. Here is a look at three common carpet stains that would be better handled by a professional. Read More …

Going On An RV Trip? Get Carpet Cleaning Before You Leave

28 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When someone goes on a road trip in their sedan or SUV, they are somewhat limited in their options because they have to eat out or prepare meals that can be made on the go and without cooking. This can prevent most road trips from lasting several months because it can become an inconvenience over a long period of time. But owning an RV makes it easy to go traveling for months without this kind of concern, as you will have a small kitchen available in an RV. Read More …

Have Your Dry Cleaned Your Luggage? Why It’s Gross Not To

27 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a lot of luggage and you travel frequently, having it dry cleaned as needed is important. The dry cleaning isn't just going to keep the luggage looking nice, but it's also going to improve longevity and help keep you healthy. There are a lot of things to take into consideration before you bring your luggage into the house. Consider getting it dry cleaned at a place like American Cleaners every time the following scenarios come into play. Read More …

Recovering from an Injury? 3 Benefits to Gain from House-Cleaning Services

26 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Getting injured is not something that you typically expect to happen, so you may not have not taken measures inside your own home to accommodate such a situation. This can make it difficult to get around and do the things that you are used to doing, mainly with maintaining the home every day. If you are living alone, or if your spouse works long hours and is not able to help as much as you need them to, you might be thinking about how to get by for the time being without any assistance. Read More …

3 Upholstery Cleaning Tips To Get Your Furniture Looking Like New Again

25 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Has your sofa or couch seen better days? If your furniture has been the victim of a spill or maybe is just starting to look a bit weathered after years of use, your first thought might be to head to the furniture store and buy something new. But brand new furniture certainly isn't cheap. Luckily, with the right tools, you might be able to clean your upholstery so that it looks just as good as the day it was purchased. Read More …